SMLL is building a community of businesses who gain mutual benefit from working closely with each other, exploring development opportunities and addressing technical challenges collaboratively. This community is based on the future of connected, automated, shared and electric mobility (CASE). Their aim is to generate and gain access to exclusive insight into the development of technologies, solutions and services and how their real-world application will impact on business and society. Understandably the community are seeking insight into specific risks and opportunities to their associated business sectors presented by change.
The emerging mobility eco-system is diversifying rapidly and now non-traditional or marginal transport sectors such telecommunications, energy, risk, retail and others are taking a keen interest in new mobility concepts. The community is a perfect entry point for organisations seeking to understand and build evidence for future business scenarios by sharing insight from their own R&D projects and cooperating on joint research activities.
By getting involved with the SMLL Innovation Community, members have the option to participate to varying degrees, by networking and consuming carefully curated information, by investing in creating new knowledge, or by contributing technical capability to the testbed.
Contact us using the form below to start a conversation; come and join the Journeymakers.
Don’t just take our word for it, read for yourself what the Members say about the Innovation Community and the value they derive from it. Or see & hear them interviewed on video.