Study on market development and related road safety risks for L-category vehicles and new personal mobility devices

Title: Study on market development and related road safety risks for L-category vehicles and new personal mobility devices

Authors: Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission) , TRL

Description: TRL was invited by the European Commission to undertake a study into the market development and safety of personal mobility devices (PMDs) and L-category vehicles. The objectives of this study were: 1. to provide an inventory of the various types of personal mobility devices available on the market, 2. to provide a detailed analysis of the market and the influence of the existing legislations at EU and national level, 3. to provide a collection and evaluation of available data and information on accidents involving personal mobility devices, 4. to assess the current use and the safety aspects related to the road circulation of personal mobility devices not covered by EU type-approval, 5. and to provide recommendations with regard to minimum safety technical requirements they would have to fulfil and the traffic rules, i.e. use and behaviour rules, that they could be subject to.

Publishing date: 21st April 2021

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