CAVs - the end users' perspective

This month, members of the SMLL Innovation Community came together to share knowledge and best practice while learning about the opportunities and challenges of end-user design. The day began with an overview from Guido di Pasquale, Managing Director, at PAVE Europe who discussed the challenges and opportunities of connected autonomous vehicles. 

The event also included workshopping, exploring topics such as service design that encourages people to use CAVs in different ways, managing consumer engagement, and deploying user research to make CAV services more commercially viable and accessible.

The day ended with a panel discussion and debate facilitated by DG Cities, with guest panelists including Becks Posner, Head of Social and Behavioural Research at CCAV, Gordon McCullough, CEO, at the Research Institute of Disabled Consumers, and Professor Clive Grinyer, Head of User Design, at the Royal College of Art. 

The event was an opportunity for stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge while exploring the future of CAV design.

 Watch the animation evolve as it captures the day's observations.

Karine Barsam