Alternative transport for better outcomes - a new paper from TRL's Head of New Mobility

TRL’s Dr George Beard, sets out his view of the New Mobility landscape in this white paper.

TRL’s vision for new mobility is a transport system that provides better choice and access for everyone, serving as an enabler for better outcomes across these areas. In practice new mobility refers to a range of existing and emerging transport modes, services and technologies that have potential to provide a compelling alternative to the motor vehicle. At its core, new mobility is about rebalancing the movement of both people and goods away from single occupancy, inefficient, fossil-fuel powered vehicles.

In this paper he describes the current landscape and the drivers affecting it. He outlines the key points of the UK transport strategy in which new mobility plays a key part, and identifies the opportunities and gaps. He signals the essential things which have to change, and argues for prioritization of initiatives.

TRL is well placed to support all of these initiatives and is keen for SMLL to play a leading role in answering the big questions ahead.