Better Delivery: The Challenge For Freight

Title: Better Delivery: The Challenge For Freight

Sub-Title: Freight Study final report

Authors: National Infrastructure Commission

Description: The National Infrastructure Commission has been asked by the government to provide advice on how to ensure an efficient, low carbon freight system, that manages its impacts on congestion and utilises technology to continue to provide a world class service that supports the UK’s growth and global competitiveness.

Since the beginning of this work, the Commission has engaged with a wide range of organisations across the freight industry, local and national government, academic experts, and technology developers. This engagement has been key to informing the Commission’s thinking on the topic as a whole, and on the content of the interim report published in December 2018.

The Commission recognises the importance of shipping and air freight to the UK’s freight system and wider economy. The focus of this study has been on road and rail freight, where the Commission has found the need and opportunity for UK‑led action to be greatest.

Publishing date: April 2019

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